Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bird Feeder

This bird feeder by Nadine Jarvis is made from human ash, seed, and beeswax. For other unorthodox urns, visit FUNERIA, the only art gallery devoted to funerary arts.


Unknown said...

What a great collection you're building! Two notes: Nadine Jarvis's Bird Feeders are very sweet objects, but not suet (she uses beeswax), and thank you for the link to FUNERIA (not Funera... but it works just the same). Thank you for finding and amassing all these fascinating ideas. Good work!

Something else you'll surely want to read is this beautiful, poignant essay by Juliane Poirier Locke on birds and loss. Published yesterday in the North Bay Bohemian :

Sister Shirley said...

Oops! I've corrected the mistakes, thanks for pointing them out! Looking forward to reading the article, I really appreciate any leads!