Saturday, May 1, 2010

Modern Hairwork Jewelry

Hair is a funny thing, it's almost imbued with talismanic powers. To keep a lock of someone's hair is to feel their presence close by. The Victorians used to exchange locks of hair as tokens of affection, a ritual that I regret has been lost. But perhaps not for long.

Stella Saves the Day is creating lovely little lockets made from hair. I love them because the hair is discreet, and looks more like delicate needlework. She's also creating needlepoint based on traditional Victorian hair work as seen below. For more information, please visit her lovely new blog.


Jennifer Shingelo said...

Oh wow! I am so touched! Thanks so much for your support! :-)

Kim said...

This is something that I have been mulling around for a while now. I happen to have a lovely large and long ponytail from my beloved when cut it off many years ago. I keep thinking that this is the only DNA of his that I have anymore. One might think it gross, but in the state of loss and mourning things take on a different feel. I want to do something artistic with his hair - it is too much hair for this application, but I could combine this with something else. Anyway, thanks for this post!